At Great Bike Tours we pride ourselves in developing and bringing to our clients the best active vacations we can put together. Our cycling tours include many outdoors sports beyond just cycling. Our tours often include kayaking, sailing, hiking and more.
We also go the extra mile on our active vacations by booking 5 star accommodations and visiting some of the most recommended eateries in the areas we visit. You’ll really enjoy those meals more when you know you are going to burn off the calories the next day!
What is an active vacation?
The modern phrase “active vacation” can easily be applied to vacations or tours that combine rest and relaxation with some sort of physical activity. A better description states that a trip is only an “active” vacation if one or more sporting or outdoor recreation activities are the main focus. When shopping for an active vacation you will find there are no solid rules that can be applied to compare one trip to another.
What are the benefits of an active vacation?
We all can agree that spending time outdoors has been proven to reduce stress, but recent studies have also shown that time outdoors reduces blood pressure as well. Being out in nature is healing overall as your mood improves, your immune system gets a boost, and your body increases anti-cancer proteins.
Ever wonder why is there is a smile on everyone’s face after they’ve come back from an active vacation? Because returning from an active vacation they’re happier for it! All the stresses of life take a back seat as you explore some of the most stunning sceneries in the world at a slower pace to take it all in.
Why is adventure travel important?
Taking the time to enjoy a vacation in places and on roads less traveled your get drawn deeper into that community. Adventure tourism helps to support smaller communities, cottage businesses, and family-owned eateries. Small group touring activities directly contribute to the local economy of the communities and increase the living standards of local people.
Getting Back to a “New” Normal
As we start to see the pandemic in our rear-view mirrors, many people are continuing to look for ways to get away to places that are not as crowded, offer a variety of activities, and to enjoy more of the great outdoors.
Here at Great Bike Tours your vacation is not just centered on the physical activity of the day but we also want to focus on your mental health as well. You schedule will not be filled for every second you are with us. There are options and opportunities to get away on your own for a bit or to just relax for a day.
You will make new friends and see new places in a new way when you take an active vacation with Great Bike Tours. Life is just viewed differently from 2 wheels…
Book an Active Vacation
If you are looking to get away, getting some exercise, avoiding the crowds, eating amazing meals, avoiding lines at tourist attractions and getting in a few special hours alone with your traveling partner then a Great Bike Tour may be just what you need!